Did You Know?
Some Facts About the Climate
Fact #01
The reduction in pollution during the corona crisis lockdown showed how quickly the environment can recover. And the EU registered a 58% reduction in daily carbon emissions.
Fact #02
Cycling has instant benefits: You get a fresh air workout and reduce gas emissions - so at the end of a working day, why not give the car a miss and get on your bike!
Give your salon shades
Everyone looks cooler in sunglasses - even your salon. So tint your windows to help block UV rays and keep your salon cooler, which means less air-conditioning.
A one-person protest sparked a worldwide climate revolution!
Greta Thunberg is a young climate activist, who started the "School Strike for Climate" protests in Sweden. Promoting #fridaysforfuture with students from across the globe to demand politicians and corporations to take action on climate change.
*No one is to small to make a difference!