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Lisätty ostoskoriin

Sivustolla on tekninen huolto kuun lopussa. Huolehdithan, että olet tehnyt tilauksesi tammikuun 27. päivään mennessä, sillä tuolloin eShopissa ei voi tehdä tilauksia. Kiitos ymmärryksestäsi.


Inspired by PANTONE.

As a hairdresser, intermixing is essential for you to improve client loyalty with customised unique colours that cannot be reproduced easily. It is also a way to play with your creativity while letting clients express themselves. And it empowers you to really be the Colourist you want to be, realising your visions and creating a reputation for yourself.

In our IGORA ROYAL Mixes Collection:

We joined forces with the PANTONE Color Institute – the global colour expert – in a unique collaboration that celebrates our colour expertise and reinforces our commitment to colour perfection.

The PANTONE Color Institute consulted us on the next big trending colour worlds for the upcoming year.

Our global colour ambassadors Lesley Jennison and Arjan Bevers, as well as the creative collective X-presion and the colour educator Josie Vilay then used this colour world inspiration from PANTONE to create a total of 18 IGORA ROYAL Mixes matching perfectly to the forecasted trends.

All of the IGORA ROYAL Mixes created by our colourists were brought to life in the 6 powerful looks featured in the Essential Looks INSCAPE Collection.


Colour mixing allows you to create an infinite number of colours, so your colour services can be personalised to each and every individual client! We understand how important is to create a mix that makes the client feel special, with a colour that perfectly matches their skin tone and hair base.

Mixing can be really easy! All mixes from our new IGORA ROYAL Mixes Collection are achieved by only mixing 2 to 3 colours together, to create amazing powerful colour results.

If you want to deep dive further into the world of mixing, have a look at our Mixing Manual for an introduction to the fundamentals of colour mixing and how to fully leverage the opportunities the IGORA portfolio has to offer. Also check out our ambassadors’ mixing tips and tricks videos on each trend page to discover how to translate a visual inspiration into a beautiful IGORA ROYAL mix.

Want to learn more about colour mixing? Download our learning materials for more details.

Download the IGORA ROYAL Mixing Manual here.

Download the IGORA ROYAL Colour Chart here.